Plant-based protein hydrolysates: Biostimulants for the future

BACK TO NEWS Plant-based protein hydrolysates: Biostimulants for the future by Rochelle Thuynsma Head of Products: Technical, Agri Technovation   Introduction Plant biostimulants include a wide range of products derived from natural and biological sources that offer a potentially novel approach to enhance crop growth and quality, nutrient uptake, and/or resistance to stress.(1,2,3) Recently, protein […]

Optimise table grape production with PICKLOGGER™  

Optimise table grape production with PICKLOGGER™  BACK TO NEWS Werner Coetzee: Commercial Head: PICKLOGGER™   Jan-Willem Boonzaaier: Commercial Head: Services   Gerrie van Deventer: Horticulturist   The future of table grape production lies in precision farming, where data-driven decisions can significantly improve yield and profitability.     PICKLOGGER™ is but one of the innovative tools leading the precision […]

ZINC PHLOEM™: Improving nutrient delivery and plant physiological status

BACK TO NEWS ZINC PHLOEM™: Improving nutrient delivery and plant physiological status  By Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical   Role of zinc in plant physiology Plant growth and development are dependent on a sufficient supply of zinc (Zn). Photosynthesis, the main metabolic pathway in plants, can be significantly reduced by Zn deficiency, which leads […]

RELEASE the nutrient and microbiological handbrake in your soil 

BACK TO NEWS RELEASE the nutrient and microbiological handbrake in your soil  Schalk du Plessis, Senior Soil Scientist  Introduction   Like any other matter, soil nutrients in their simplest form are a collection and arrangement of various elements. For healthy plant growth to take place, these nutrients need not only to be present in the soil […]

Effective foliar formulations for plant physiological response

Foliar Formulations

Effective foliar formulations for plant physiological response BACK TO NEWS Effective foliar formulations for plant physiological response by Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical, Agri Technovation Introduction Nutrient uptake, transport and final assimilation are key factors in determining foliar fertiliser efficacy, however, the efficacy of the nutrient applied is determined by the ultimate plant physio- […]

The critical role of CARBOFUEL™ during fruit production


The critical role of CARBOFUEL™ during fruit production By Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical  Introduction In fruit crops, flowering time and intensity depend on the species, tree age and the prevailing climatic conditions.(1) Flower induction is the first phase of floral meristem growth and determines final flower intensity and ultimately, fruit set and yield. […]

The crucial role of formulation in the efficacy of nutrient foliar products

Foliar Products

The crucial role of formulation in the efficacy of nutrient foliar products By Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical and Dr. Elmi Lötze, Head of ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES and ITEST™LEAF Introduction Foliar-applied fertilisers have become an integral and significant part of sustainable and productive crop management worldwide. Successful application of nutrients in permanent crops has been reported […]

Data mining in grain: Optimal profit management

Data Mining

Data mining in grain: Optimal profit management by Coenraad Janse van Rensburg, Data Scientist, Theuns van Wyk, Soil Scientist, Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science Unlock the potential of your soil Agri Technovation measures the value of soil classification and fertility as well as the influence of the soil physical and -chemical properties on crop […]

The RELEASE LPH™ range of products


The RELEASE LPH™ range of products by Rochelle Thuynsma, Senior Product Manager Complex biological biostimulants for crop production Understanding the importance of plant nutrients and ensuring effective uptake by the plant, is essential for anyone interested in successfully cultivating healthy and productive crops. These nutrients are crucial for plant growth, development and reproduction, while nutrient […]

In-furrow application: Excellent option for producer and plant!

In-Furrow application

In-furrow application: Excellent option for producer and plant! by Heinz Oellermann, Head of Grains, Agri Technovation The sustainable way forward These days farming practices are largely technologically driven. Technology comes at a cost however and should therefore be utilised effectively to ensure optimal return on your investment. A practice already widely used in the USA […]