Citrus vs the salt of the earth

LJ Venter & Markus van Renssen (Horticulturists, Agri Technovation) The challenge of salinisation Soil salinisation presents a serious challenge in areas with a semi-dry climate. Saline soils lead to a variety of complications, especially in citrus, which could have a direct or indirect impact on the producer’s pocket. Where soils are irrigated with high-salinity water (high […]

Measure, understand, improve

The combination of PICKLOGGER™ and MYSOIL CLASSIFICATION™ in fruit crops By Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science and ITest Soil, Agri Technovation This article focuses on three actions or concepts as outlined in the title: measure, understand and improve. Together these three actions represent the best current method available for improving yields meaningfully, especially on farms […]

Carbohydrates and nutrients on blueberries

By: Nina du Toit Horticulturist Carbohydrates and nutrients on blueberries Carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis are widely recognised in plants for their crucial significance as energy sources and carbon foundations for organic molecules and storage components. They help with flower development, fruit set completion, berry growth, and shoot and root growth, among other things. Carbohydrates are […]

Avocado: What is happening in spring

By August Kruger Horticulturalist Agri TechnovationPhysiology Research Center With higher mean temperatures and the in- creased length of daylight that accompany our seasonal transition from winter to spring, the stage is set for the next important step in annual avocado tree phenology, fruit set, cell division and cell enlargement. Integral physiological pro- cesses – the […]

Why do irrigated fruit crops perform better on some soils?

By Jaques Landman Technical Manager AT New Zealand / AT Australia East Coast Over the past five years, global blueberry con- sumption has doubled to reach 650 000 tons per annum. Indications are that it is set to double again during the next five years, reach- ing a global consumption rate of 1,5 million tons […]

Blueberry flowers

By Jaques LandmanTechnical ManagerAT New Zealand / AT Australia East Coast Over the past five years, global blueberry con- sumption has doubled to reach 650 000 tons per annum. Indications are that it is set to double again during the next five years, reach- ing a global consumption rate of 1,5 million tons per annum. […]

New technology will help achieve more regular cropping

-Media release for immediate release There is a new technology causing a stir among international fruit growers. This ground-breaking innovation monitors a fruit tree’s carbohydrate status, allowing for timely corrective action, if needed, to ensure an optimal harvest. The technology – developed by frontier global agricultural company Agri Technovation and branded as ITEST™ CARBOHYDRATES – […]

Quality and control system upgrade ready for peak season

By Gerhard Nel, Head of Process Engineering, Agri Technovation   Agri Technovation continuously explores ways of improving the quality and ensuring consistency of our range of dry and liquid foliar, fertigation and soil applied specialist nutrition products.   Following major capacity increases and the launch of numerous new products over the past five years, a […]

Use of phosphate (and potassium) biofertilisers on soils high in phosphates

By Stefan van Wyk (PhD), Head of Biological Research and Product Development, Victus Bio, Agri Technovation   Phosphorus (P) is a macronutrient required for the proper functioning of plants. Because phosphorus plays vital roles in every aspect of plant growth and development, deficiencies can reduce plant growth and development. Phosphorus is the second most important macronutrient required […]

Tree Crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies

Soil Variation

Tree Crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies By Gareth Glasspool, Senior Soil Scientist and Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science Most producers over-irrigate As controversial as this may sound, it is true. To avoid this, all factors that impact irrigation must be understood and considered when deciding on an irrigation strategy. The […]